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I love Siena.  There's something about the color, the high buildings and winding streets, the Palio lore, and the Contrade loyalty that just pulled me in.  Four of us wandered one night, trying to get lost, but we kept winding up on Il Campo! That was also the night we stopped in a grocery store to purchase items for a picnic dinner back at our hotel.  That was fun, but we discovered the hard way that it would be helpful to know the Italian names of the cheeses - we have since named one of them "barnyard" cheese.  It didn't get eaten.

If you are born in a contrada, you remain a member for life, no matter where you move within or outside of Siena. It's the contrade that enter the horses in the Palio races twice a summer.  10 of the 17 neighborhoods are represented in each race, and 60,000 people cram into Il Campo to witness the event.  Our contrada (Selva) has a church and museum as well as the social hall where we ate dinner (photo).  They actually bring the horse into the church to be blessed before the race.  This is a very big deal in Siena...and the winner of the race proves that contrada the best neighborhood, at least until the next race.  It was interesting to note that if a rider falls off the horse, the horse can still win if he's the first across the finish line.  

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